B-Jugend Hessen/Rheinland-Pfalz/Thüringen

Die Zukunft - Eigengewächse aus allen Jugendklassen
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di Nov 09, 2010 11:13

just my 2 cents

Beitrag von onlymy2cents »

my 2 cents

i've always enjoyed football, both playing and coaching, running up and down a muddy field with a ball,
passing, tackling - just having fun.

most of the coaches during my playing time were strict and demanding but on the other hand they would
always try to build your ego and encourage you to try your best.

football coaches should be teachers, tutors. They should be continueously explaining and always ready
to answer questions. and they should be respected -

but you have to earn respect !!

when i was coaching, i would run up and down the sideline - argue with referees - change plays and schemes,
disciplin my players when needed but then turn around and encourage them.

i was always respected

watching the k-town coaches during sundays games was pitiful. first off - who told them they knew how
to coach ??

running the same play a dozen times ???

losing games by running out the clock instead of taking timeouts ???

K-Town was down 6 points

1st and 10 some where around the 50 with about 1 minute remaining - what do they call ? -
running plays that stayed inbounds - why ?? they ran out the clock without taking a single timeout !!

their excuse ? - << we didn't know how much time was remaining >> - BULL SHIT !!

The team had at least half a dozen coaches and assistants on the sideline - ask the REF how much time
is remaining - no brainer !!


the second game k-town got whipped. i mean whipped ! the kids were dissapointed about losing the first
game and just gave up. where were the coaches ??

one of them stood on the sideline for most of the game with his hands deep in his pockets.
not saying a word to any of the kids. i don't even think he was following the game ??
then at halftime the players got an ass-chewing for poor play and personal fouls ?? - just brilliant !!!

oh by the way, why did the kids have to sit out in the rain at halftime ?? why didn't they go to the lockerroom ??

the only motivation the kids get is when the coaches get all hype after a helmet cracking big hit.

quote << thats the way to do it.....thats what i'm talking about >> and so on

i heard a bunch of comments from the kids about the coaches and you know what ? they're right !
i wouldn't blame the kids if they just quit playing all together.

once again......you have to earn respect - ass chewing is not the way to do it - do your job and do it right !

just my thoughts, thanks for reading
MoKi #59
Beiträge: 315
Registriert: So Feb 19, 2006 12:10

Beitrag von MoKi #59 »

It's always easy, to blame somebody for anything... especially without telling, who you are. As everybody here should know, I'm a member of the Vorstand of the Kaiserslautern Pikes.

I have two offers for you:

1st: We are always open for straightforward criticism. So why don't you step up to the coaches and speak to them face to face, instead of bitching anonymously in public?

2nd: If you are such a bright coach, feel free to contact us. We always need experienced people that know the game an how to teach it. So if you are willing to spend two evenings a week in practice, at least one day a weekend at the games and lots of time preparing yourself for practice on gamedays... feel free to join us and work together with other good people that love football.

I don't know who you are. But as far as I can judge you from what I've read, neither my first suggestion nor my second will have any affect, cause people like you just love to criticize and refuse to take any responsibility by themselves.
Alles fit for fun? --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgyThQ7akVA
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di Nov 09, 2010 12:17
Wohnort: Em Pott

Beitrag von chekrovai »

Das sind die Besten....

da ist aber ein Vater/Mutter sehr enttäuscht, dass der Sohnemann keinen Pokal nach Hause geschleppt hat! Ich dachte sowas gibts nur beim Fussball das die Eltern alles besser wissen als alle Trainer zusammen?

Wenn Du sooooooo ein toller Coach bist, warum stehst Du dann nicht bei den Pikes an der Sideline anstatt hier den Coaches die Qualitäten abzusprechen? Ich bin sicher wenn Du gaaanz nett fragst, dann werden die Pikes Dir den roten Teppich ausrollen und schonmal ne Vitrine aufstellen, damit die bald mit deinen Trophäen gefüllt werden kann.

BTW: Ich finde die Jungs haben sich gar nicht so schlecht angestellt, dafür das sie zu 90% aus Zwergen (im Vergleich zu Giessen und Mainz) bestand. So wie man sich erzählt, haben alle das erste Jahr Tackle Football gespielt?

aber das sind nur meine 2 Pfennige...
Beiträge: 4
Registriert: So Sep 05, 2010 19:36

Beitrag von upthegut »

na na na ........

da hat einer aber die Hunde geweckt, oder ??? 8)
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di Nov 09, 2010 11:13

Beitrag von onlymy2cents »

looks like I opened a can of worms ??
Beiträge: 2
Registriert: Di Nov 09, 2010 12:17
Wohnort: Em Pott

Beitrag von chekrovai »

...jetzt labert der auch noch einfach die Sachen von seinem Vorredner nach...!?

Ey Supercoach! Looks like you're a Nixblicker!
Beiträge: 8
Registriert: Di Nov 02, 2010 22:40

Beitrag von Pat »

Bei den Pikes scheint die Chemie zu stimmen!
Beiträge: 107
Registriert: Do Mär 05, 2009 21:06
Wohnort: Salzburg

Beitrag von mr._D-LINE »

ulala was sehe ich da :D
da bewirbt sich einer für die neue Cato stelle die frei geworden ist. :D
und sogar noch ein englisch sprechender. PIKES ihr tut mir leid :P
Beiträge: 107
Registriert: Do Mär 05, 2009 21:06
Wohnort: Salzburg

Beitrag von mr._D-LINE »

MoKi #59 hat geschrieben: I'm a member of the Vorstand of the Kaiserslautern Pikes.

eventuell weiß unser freund nicht was ein vorstand ist, mein tipp:

http://dict.leo.org/ende?lp=ende&lang=d ... h=vorstand

