[GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

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Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Trapkid »

Sir. Cuffs-a-lot hat geschrieben:See, this is what I am talking about. Again, this offseason the Diamonds once again opened up their own Thread and claimed loud and proud that they were going to *dominate* the league this year. Then they turn around and get whooped....at home....not by the main aufstieger..but by the little aufsteiger. I dont wanna take anything away from the Pikes... :respekt: .....but this is exactly what I mean coming out of DD eveeery year.... :irre:
nice one! :lol:
Puff Mutter
Beiträge: 185
Registriert: Mi Mär 26, 2008 05:52

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Puff Mutter »

yeah - and let's not verdraeng that the little aufstieger whooped the main

aufstieger's ass 27-Zero last year...

Sir. Cuffs-a-lot
Beiträge: 60
Registriert: Mo Mai 16, 2011 19:42
Wohnort: The gridiron

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Sir. Cuffs-a-lot »

You'd think that after the past 8 years of losing their first game, Darmstadt would just STFU and play football. All that talk does nothing but motivate other teams to OWN you on gameday..... :up:
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Benutzer 4721 gelöscht

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Benutzer 4721 gelöscht »


I'd think the "main" Aufsteiger is last year's 10-0 team and the 9-1 team would be the 2nd or "little" Aufsteiger.

IF we only talk Regionalliga Mitte 2011, that is.

I might have gotten that wrong, however....
Sir. Cuffs-a-lot
Beiträge: 60
Registriert: Mo Mai 16, 2011 19:42
Wohnort: The gridiron

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Sir. Cuffs-a-lot »

Ok, let me be blunt. DD is suppose to be one of the established teams in this league, and every year they come on with all the trash talk about what they are going to do und bla bla bla. Then this year a team comes up into the league and hands them their ass, on their own field no less. This is not to take away what the Pikes can do nor what they are capable of. My point is, Darmstadt just needs to shut up and play. And I take it that they are pretty embarrassed right about now. Personally I love to see them get whooped after all that talk, its was the same last season when we OWNED them 41-7...on their field :trink:
You are under arrest, you have no right to any receptions, any and every route you run means nothing.... Every ball thrown in your general direction, can and WILL be either swatted to hell or just taken from you, and until proven otherwise, DEAL WITH IT!!
Benutzer 4721 gelöscht

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Benutzer 4721 gelöscht »

Well, THAT part I did get right :mrgreen:
Sir. Cuffs-a-lot
Beiträge: 60
Registriert: Mo Mai 16, 2011 19:42
Wohnort: The gridiron

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Sir. Cuffs-a-lot »

Ok KOOL :up: :up: Maybe I shouldnt have said little or main aufsteiger. When you can come up here (regardless of how a team got here) and OWN Darmstadt, you deserve some credit. My hat goes off to K-Town, for putting the Diamonds foot in their own mouth :respekt: :trink: :respekt:
You are under arrest, you have no right to any receptions, any and every route you run means nothing.... Every ball thrown in your general direction, can and WILL be either swatted to hell or just taken from you, and until proven otherwise, DEAL WITH IT!!
Beiträge: 262
Registriert: Sa Apr 30, 2011 00:15

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Zahnfee »

also ich versteh euch nicht, wo schreit darmstadt rum wie toll sie sind? Und dominiert sieht anders aus. Darmstadt hatten ihr Fuck-Up, und ich glaube ohne Strafen hätte es anders ausgesehen, denn 99-Yd-Td und Td auf Rookie #86 oder der andere Td finde ich sagen was anderes.

Bin aber gespannt wie Darmstadt sich entwickeln wird, denke weiterhin DD, HT und KW sind die Teams die es zu schlagen gilt, wenn man #1 werden will.
MoKi #59
Beiträge: 315
Registriert: So Feb 19, 2006 12:10

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von MoKi #59 »

Sir. Cuffs-a-lot hat geschrieben:My hat goes off to K-Town, for putting the Diamonds foot in their own mouth
In Darmstadt hat niemand irgendjemandem das Maul gestopft. Ich hab zwar nicht auf dem Platz gestanden, sondern nur nah dran. Aber ich habe ein - für ein Auftaktspiel - gutes, hart umkämpftes Match von beiden Teams gesehen, das die Pikes aus meiner (Pikes-)Sicht verdient gewonnen haben. Es gab Nickeligkeiten und Fouls, die wurden aber von den Refs konsequent geahndet. Mit weniger Flaggen wären die Chancen für die Diamonds auf einen Sieg größer gewesen.

Mehr zum Spiel hier: http://www.pikesnet.de/index/index.php? ... &Itemid=17
Alles fit for fun? --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgyThQ7akVA
Sir. Cuffs-a-lot
Beiträge: 60
Registriert: Mo Mai 16, 2011 19:42
Wohnort: The gridiron

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Sir. Cuffs-a-lot »

Just go to the upper left corner of your screen...hit the BACK button...then scroll down a bit...you will see a pretty little tread that's titled Darmstadt Diamonds 2012....and read the first entry in that thread... :D :D :D
You are under arrest, you have no right to any receptions, any and every route you run means nothing.... Every ball thrown in your general direction, can and WILL be either swatted to hell or just taken from you, and until proven otherwise, DEAL WITH IT!!

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von waco1944 »

Sir. Cuffs-a-lot hat geschrieben:You'd think that after the past 8 years of losing their first game, Darmstadt would just STFU and play football. All that talk does nothing but motivate other teams to OWN you on gameday..... :up:
Vatsug hat geschrieben:Actually....

I'd think the "main" Aufsteiger is last year's 10-0 team and the 9-1 team would be the 2nd or "little" Aufsteiger.

IF we only talk Regionalliga Mitte 2011, that is.

I might have gotten that wrong, however....
i was not at the game yesterday DD vs KP but I came quess that it was a very good game...and the season has just started...talking trash and not backing it up ,,,can and will cause problems down the road...best thing to do right now is wait and see how the "main" aufsteiger and the "little"aufsteiger comes along with they first season in the GFL2...in four or five weeks I believe we can talk alot more "sense"!! :up:
Beiträge: 294
Registriert: Mi Okt 24, 2007 15:00

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von runrabbit »

Und ein Idiot im Footballforum sind die Darmstadt Diamonds? Das lässt mich doch sehr an der Intelligenz von Sir-Talks-a-lot-of-bullsh*t zweifeln. Get over it...ja erstes Spiel gepatzt..jede Menge Fehler...dumm gelaufen...in 3 Wochen oder so ist das Rückspiel dann sieht man weiter!
"Pro football is like nuclear warfare. There are no winners, only survivors."
Sir. Cuffs-a-lot
Beiträge: 60
Registriert: Mo Mai 16, 2011 19:42
Wohnort: The gridiron

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Sir. Cuffs-a-lot »

Opps.....looks like i hit a nerve....Idiot or not, I didnt see any of the *real* diamonds say anything to it. Its not me that needs to get over any damn thing. I state my opinion just like everyone else here. Now...if you dont like what I have to say, you need not open your mouth to any of it, and your always welcomed to skip your ass to the next part of the forum... :mrgreen: :up:
You are under arrest, you have no right to any receptions, any and every route you run means nothing.... Every ball thrown in your general direction, can and WILL be either swatted to hell or just taken from you, and until proven otherwise, DEAL WITH IT!!
MoKi #59
Beiträge: 315
Registriert: So Feb 19, 2006 12:10

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von MoKi #59 »

Sir. Cuffs-a-lot hat geschrieben:Personally I love to see them get whooped after all that talk, its was the same last season when we OWNED them 41-7...on their field :trink:
Das lässt darauf schließen, dass du aus dem Umfeld der Franken Knights kommst. Warum bist du noch so interessiert am Geschehen in der GFL2 und speziell den Diamonds? Gibt's da noch ne offene Rechnung?
Alles fit for fun? --> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WgyThQ7akVA
Sir. Cuffs-a-lot
Beiträge: 60
Registriert: Mo Mai 16, 2011 19:42
Wohnort: The gridiron

Re: [GFL2 Süd] GAMEWEEK 12/13.5

Beitrag von Sir. Cuffs-a-lot »

Football ist Football Moki...egal wo mann spielt. And theres no open debt as far as I am concerned. And I wouldnt say I have particular interest in how DD plays. Its just they come with the same noise every year...about what they are going to do and end up looking :oops: :oops: :oops: Now if its wrong for me to state my opinion about a specific team, on a public forum...I think theres a problem... :keule: I should ask now then, why do we even have a forum? :mrgreen: :mrgreen:
You are under arrest, you have no right to any receptions, any and every route you run means nothing.... Every ball thrown in your general direction, can and WILL be either swatted to hell or just taken from you, and until proven otherwise, DEAL WITH IT!!